Monday, March 19, 2012

Fitting in with the Family

I have often thought about how well my girls fit in with our family - how they seem to just be perfectly suited for us and our lifestyle. I'm sure some of it's natural/genetic/inherited/etc, but I'm also sure that some of it is learned. They have to fit in with us. After all, if we tried to fit in with them, there'd be even MORE whining, crying, and certainly more temper tantrums.

The same is true with food. I find that if I fix the girls something different from what I'm serving us grown-ups, all they do is complain about not having what we're having -- even if they actually do not like what we are having. I think I find myself being more relaxed with baby number two because I know that even if she does not love a particular meal, she's not going to starve. Maybe she'll drink a little extra milk that night to make up for it, but she's going to be ok. I've resolved to (at least mostly) simply put cut up grown up food in front of my little ones and give them the chance to be UNlike their mommy as a child, eating only mac and cheese and chicken fingers.

This works for me. Simplicity works for me. Like I've said before, if something is too complicated, it's not sustainable for me. Making meals that Mommy, Daddy, toddler, and baby can eat is what I can maintain.

... and is also why I'm grateful to be finished with the purees for a little while.

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